You know that you need some emergency power to fend for yourself during power outages. You know that it’s the best and only way to minimize downtime through an uninterrupted power supply. The problem, however, is that you aren’t sure what you should invest in industrial power inverters or generators.

Here are some reasons that will help you realize that inverters will generally make a better choice.

1. Minimal noise

Everyone knows how noisy generators are, which can get irritating in the long run. Yes, it’s possible to reduce its noise by soundproofing the generator room. But this is, in turn, an additional expense.

You, however, don’t have to worry about any noise pollution with industrial power inverters. They hardly produce any noise, making a quieter and better emergency power option.

2. It uses stored energy and doesn’t require additional fuel

 The most important reason is that inverters are powered by stored energy. There is no need for fuel like diesel to produce energy like in generators. As long as the inverter is connected to the grid, it converts the alternating current (AC) of the grid to store as direct current (DC). It then immediately reconverts the DC into AC to safely power your equipment during a power outage.

3. Provides immediate power backup and saves valuable time

Another valid reason to invest in industrial power inverters is that it provides automatic and instant backup energy during a power outage. There’s no need to switch it on, as you do generators. It, in turn, means that inverters provide emergency power without any waste of valuable time.

Generators do not have any stored energy and have to be started to supply emergency power. This means there is a time gap of a few seconds or minutes for your equipment and devices to receive backup power. This is valuable time lost, which can at times upset your work and production. 

4. Smaller and more compatible in size

 While comparing sizes, inverters are not so bulky to look at. It’s because its size is dependent on the number of batteries it’s connected to. Conversely, you may end up buying heavy units to power all your equipment and devices. Besides, they generally require an additional metal frame and wheels to move around, which in turn takes up more space.

5. Eco-friendly option

Generators tend to emit lots of smoke and end up polluting the air. It’s because generators burn fuel to produce your backup electricity. Inverters, however, depend on stored energy and do not burn any fuel. It means that they do not produce any smoke while powering your equipment and devices. That’s why inverters make a more eco-friendly option for your backup power. 

6. Affordably priced

 When you compare costs, you generally agree that generators make a bigger investment. There’s not only the initial investment cost, but the additional fuel costs you have to bear to run it.

On the contrary, inverters do not come with any additional running costs. You may have to only pay for its periodical maintenance from someone professional like Exeltech.

There is no need to pay for fuel because inverters use the stored energy from the grid to power your devices during a power outage. 

7. Safer for powering sensitive equipment

 Generators are not that safe for powering electronic devices and sensitive equipment like computers and medical equipment. You, however, can use a certain type of inverters called pure sine wave inverters for your sensitive equipment powering needs.

It’s because inverters use stored grid energy to power your devices and not an external power fuel source.

Of course, the final choice lies in your hands.

Most people however agree that these seven reasons convince them that inverters are a better source of emergency power than generators.