Do you have plans to buy an inverter for your company or industry? If yes, you must opt for industrial power inverters because residential grade inverters won’t serve your purpose. 

However, the thing is that these power inverters require extra maintenance for their prolonged life. And you would never want your inverter to malfunction after spending so much money.

So here we have come up with seven tips that will help to prolong the life of industrial power inverters:

1. Routine maintenance

Maintenance is essential for any equipment; the same applies to industrial inverters. Regular maintenance prolongs your inverter’s life span and minimizes the cost of repairs. 

Without proper maintenance, inverters start malfunctioning and have a considerably lower life span. You can have your inverter manufacturer personnel or third-party services conduct periodical checkups to avoid this ordeal. 

2. Buying the right sized inverter

Inverters are available in various sizes ranging from 12V to 220V. You have to decide on the correct sized inverter before purchasing it based on your power requirements. For example, if you need to operate large industrial equipment, you need a high-power inverter. 

Therefore, you must invest in the appropriately sized inverter and not in something too big or too small. Too small an inverter will not serve your backup purpose, and something too big is only a waste of money. 

3. Using the correct type of inverter

Similarly, purchase the correct type of inverter as per your needs. For example, sine wave inverters work best for domestic use, and industrial power inverters find their best use in industries with heavy equipment.

So don’t mess up and buy sine wave inverters to power your industrial equipment. 

Industrial power inverters can withstand extreme vibrations, contamination, the trauma of heavy objects falling on them, etc. 

4. Checking for NEBS certification (level 3) 

If you plan to buy an industrial power inverter, do check out if it has NEBS certification or not. Inverters without this certificate cannot withstand the harsh industrial working conditions. 

Airborne pollutants, vibrations, and extreme temperatures make it difficult for regular inverters to work in these adversities. Therefore, it is better to check for NEBS Level 3 certification before investing in an inverter.

5. Detecting and promptly solving any issue

Due to their prolonged use, even the best inverters may show signs of wear and tear. So promptly fix the issue if you notice any unusual defect or malfunctioning. Or you can alternatively call the service providers to fix the problem before it escalates. 

6. Avoid DIY installation

Avoid trying your hands on installing an inverter all by yourself. The inverter installation process is not something to be taken lightly. There are so many wires to connect, and you need to make the right connections. 

All it takes is a mistake in the wire connections to end up with a possible inverter malfunctioning and added repairs and expenses. 

So no matter how great of a technician you think you are, it’s always better to call the professionals to install it for you. You don’t even have to hunt for professionals because inverter manufacturers have people on board to install inverters. 

7. Do not use residential grade inverters.

Using a residential grade inverter for industrial purposes is an awful mistake you can make. The residential inverters can power only home appliances; they cannot power heavy industrial devices. 

Unfortunately, many people often buy residential inverters due to their low cost for industrial power consumption without realizing the damage they will create to their equipment. 

For more information on industrial power inverters and their different types, visit Exeltech, one of the best inverter manufacturers. Their professionals can guide you to select the best inverter for industrial purposes.