Batteries are the backbones of any inverter. No matter how expensive your inverter may be, it has no use if its battery is not working efficiently. Therefore it is necessary to take care of your sine wave inverter batteries to ensure their long life.
These tips will help with your battery maintenance:
1. Suitable location
Location plays a vital role in ensuring the better working of your inverter batteries. Placing them in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place helps your sine wave batteries work better because humidity and dust reduce their working efficiency.
Besides, exposure to direct sunlight can overheat them, resulting in poor performance.
2. Water level
Always maintain the battery’s water level. And make sure to add only distilled water, which is free from any kind of impurities and minerals. Avoid impure or polluted water as it can hamper the battery’s chemical composition.
It is advisable to check water once in two months and refill between maximum and minimum levels for an uninterrupted power supply.
3. Corrosion prevention
Exposure to harsh, dusky, and erosive conditions can trigger rust and corrosion in the battery. It happens because they produce lead sulfate that deteriorates the battery and hampers its performance.
Make sure you clean the accumulated lead sulfate on the battery once in a while. You can easily do it on your own using a nylon brush, baking soda, or hot water.
After cleansing, it is always better to apply a light coating of lubricants and petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
4. Replace it
With time, wear, and usage, the battery slowly loses its working capacity and provides reduced power backup. You will thus have to replace the battery with a new battery.
Always prefer good quality inverter batteries that require minor maintenance. Nowadays, gel technology batteries are available in the market that does not need water refilling and are very environment friendly.
5. Do not overload
Do not plug in heavy power-consuming appliances when there is a power cut. It may cause an overload on your battery and consequently reduce backup power.
So it becomes imperative to unplug unnecessary load from your battery. This way, you can enjoy an improved and more prolonged power supply.
6. Check the acid level.
Batteries have float indicators indicating the battery’s acid levels. All cells should have equal acid levels for the inverter battery to work properly. Take care not to overfill it as it may become dangerous.
Additionally, while checking the acid level, notice the color of the acid. It is supposed to be colorless if the battery is in good condition. The acid’s black or brown color indicates that the sine wave inverter battery is in bad health.
7. Proper wiring
Always ensure that the battery and inverter wiring is in proper condition. Neglected, damaged, or tempered wiring can be very destructive. Crimped, loosely plugged wires also affect the battery’s output and increase the chances of a short circuit.
8. Charge it up
The functioning of the battery depends on the proper supply of power to it. So charge it regularly.
Also, ensure consistent battery usage. Even if there is no power cut, switch off your power supply and use electricity powered by an inverter battery.
Moreover, draining and recharging the battery once a month improves its lifespan.
So, this summer, if you are thinking of purchasing your sine wave inverters and batteries, you can buy them from Exeltech. We manufacture the best inverters and batteries that are durable and worth your investment. We are available at (800) 886-4683 to resolve your queries about all kinds of inverters.