If your organization needs a new inverter, it has one of two options: purchase an inverter that is ready made, or buy one that is custom designed for its unique electricity conduction needs. In many cases, implementing a ready made inverter will work fine, but there are also situations in which using a custom inverter is the best option. If your organization is on the fence about what type of inverter is should purchase, below are four major benefits that custom inverters offer.

Designed for the Operating Environment

A custom inverter is designed to be implemented seamlessly within the electrical system in question. Operating conditions that commonly signal the need for custom equipment include: an unusually large load size, hazardous substance regulations, and adverse conditions in the operating environment, such as airborne contaminants, heavy vibration, and high moisture.

Capable of Handling a Large Load

As mentioned above, an unusually large load size is a common indicator that custom equipment is needed. For reference, you can calculate the load size you need from an inverter by using the following equation: amps X 120 = watts. For example, a 500 amp air distribution unit that needs a power inverter would need one that is capable of supporting a load of at least 60,000 watts.

Long Equipment Lifespan

Inverters that are designed to meet the needs of a unique operating environment often deliver a longer lifespan than standard equipment. Commercial grade and industrial grade inverters often require a significant investment, so it pays to invest in equipment that is designed to offer excellent service on an extended basis, thus reducing the need for repairs and replacements.

Reduced Operating Costs

Financially speaking, a longer equipment lifespan translates into reduced operating costs, specifically in terms of repairs and product replacement. To operate at optimal capacity, the equipment must receive maintenance as described in the owner’s manual. As long as the inverter is properly serviced, it should demonstrate excellent reliability that drives productivity.

Contact Us Today

Exeltech is a leading manufacturer of power inverters. In addition to selling inverters that are ready to implement, we can create inverters that are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Knowing when you need a custom inverter can be challenging, especially if you aren’t an expert in electricity conduction equipment. That is why we recommend you to call us at (800) 886-4683 to let us help you select the right inverter for your needs. Call us today!