Power is the primary source of any business operation.

So it’s but natural that you will be left frustrated by frequent power cuts.

These uncertain power outages may cause a delay in every business operation, causing severe financial losses. Therefore, the solution lies in companies preparing well to deal with frequent power outages, 

And the best way to do this is by investing in good-quality modular inverters for an uninterrupted power supply. These industrial power inverters have a unique design to bear the heavy power load of the companies.

These additional tips also help protect your business during power cuts:

7 tips to help your business handle power cuts

1. Access to power cut alerts

Electricity providers these days have their website where they keep an update of power cut timings, and they keep you updated to get power cut and restoration time notifications.

2. Emergency kit

An emergency kit is vital, and every business should own it. The kit should preferably include the following:

  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • First-aid kit
  • Water

Businesses should train their staff members on finding and using the emergency kits in case of an outage. Placing the kit at a place accessible to all the staff members helps reduce panic during a blackout.

However, if you want your business to be ready for the power outage, you should invest in modular inverters. The design of these structures aligns well with the company’s power requirements and provides instant vital power to reduce downtime during the outage. 

3. Safety of everyone

In a power outage, the safety of everyone, including customers and staff, is required to ensure no one stumbles into absolute darkness. Quickly switch on the flashlights from the emergency kit, and Escalators won’t work during a power outage.

Get modular inverters for your business to avoid all this messy situation. They can effectively power your business with an uninterrupted power supply.

4. Data Protection 

Businesses should focus on having a plan to help protect vital data, documents, and products if an emergency blackout occurs. Electronic equipment like computers, refrigerators, printers, etc., turn off at the blink of a power cut. 

Sometimes important data get lost due to an interruption in power. Therefore, keeping an emergency power backup such as a modular inverter ready to run this equipment during an outage prevents data loss.

5. Have an evacuation plan ready. 

Businesses should keep a power outage evacuation plan handy, and all the employees should be familiar with it. For example, staffers should know the fastest and safest point of exit. Additionally, companies can practice mock evacuation drills so that the employees know what exactly they need to do during an emergency power cut.

However, you can save from all this hassle if you invest in an industrial power inverter for your business. There would never be a power cut problem as these inverters supply uninterrupted power supply for long hours. Moreover, you can get them customized as per the company’s power requirements.

6. Regular inspection of wires and other related equipment and their prompt repair

Regular inspection of wires and the prompt repair of the damaged ones can save people from any mishap. Companies should take extra care to inspect the equipment to avoid minor power supply failures periodically. 

And in case of a power emergency, proper safety actions and precautions are required for the safe evacuation of employees. In case of faulty wires, employees should remain at a proper distance from each other to avoid any potential accident. 

7. Alternative emergency backup

Businesses that keep alternative power backup ready have minimal disruption during an outage. Industrial power inverters provide a practical solution in these situations. They give an instant power supply without time-lapse to help save valuable time and data.

However, make sure you place these modular inverters in a well-ventilated area with minimum access to common people. 

If you want your business to be ready for power outages, you must invest in good-quality industrial power inverters. You can get these modular inverters easily at Exeltech – a manufacturer of different types and sizes of inverters.