- Ultra lightweight
- Weather Resistant
- Metering
DC to AC Power Inverter Features
The inverter is a stand-alone fixed unit with mounting holes in the base for attachment to flat surface.
Input and Output
- Input connections: 2 Mechanical Compression Connectors (Box Type Lug 4/0 2AWG)
- (BATT + and BATT -)
- Output connections: 4 pole connector strip.
- Ground connection: Ground chassis connector up to 6 ga.
- On/Off switch, Battery voltage test.
- Electric Input
- The inverter operates on DC power
- Electric Output
- The inverter is capable of converting DC to AC. True sine wave.
Protective Features
Low Voltage
- Provides a low voltage light to warn the operators of steady-state input voltage drops below minimum voltage level Vdc. To allow for momentary voltage drops, the low-voltage sensing circuit incorporates a delay of ten seconds. The inverter has a manual reset after shutting down for low voltage, and draws no current until the reset is activated. The inverter draws no current after being manually switched off.
Thermal Overload
- Provides automatic high temperature shut down capability when the internal temperature exceeds safe limits.
Electrical Overload
- Features an output overload protection circuit.
Status Indication
- Features Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) to indicate inverter power, low input voltage, overload, and high temperature.
- The inverter circuit boards are conformal coated.

The Most Trusted Provider
of Inverters Worldwide!
7317 Jack Newell Blvd N
Fort Worth, TX 76118
Phone: 800-886-4683
Phone: 817-595-4969
Fax: 817-595-1290