The 2k watt power inverter is a fantastic machine to have at home to provide power during an outage. It can typically power most home appliances, making it an excellent choice for any home.
It’s also a popular choice for people who are on the go most of the time and need a portable power source. For example, while on a camping trip, at camping sites, and on food trucks.
Starting and running watts
It’s better to understand some terms to learn what a 2000 watt power inverter can run. Most important are starting and running watts, which are two independent entities which exist in each appliance.
Understanding each term helps determine if your chosen inverter can run your appliance or not during power outages.
You may have noticed that any device you turn on requires a surge of power to start. This power is called the starting watts.
The device also typically needs less energy to keep running, and it’s more or less stable. This is the running watts.
Knowing your appliances
Appliances that produce light or heat like toasters, light bulbs, and microwaves don’t need any additional starting watts. However, devices with motors like hair dryers and electric vans need some extra power to start.
A refrigerator is a unique appliance because it continually starts and stops while working. It means its starting wattage isn’t only an initial requirement. You should just and why you should consider your refrigerator’s total wattage requirements before buying one.
What can 2k watt power inverters run?
Once you know the starting and running watts of each device, you can calculate how many appliances the 2k watt power inverter can run.
You will have to consider and add both the starting and running watts of each device. However, once the tools require extra power to start up and run, you can deduct its wattage from your calculations.
Which appliances do you need to power?
It’s vital that before you ask yourself, ‘What will a 2k watt power inverter run?’, that you establish how much power you need. Or, instead, how many appliances it needs to power during a power outage.
You will be buying the inverter for emergency power during a power outage.
It would help if you ascertained which most essential devices are, and need switching on when there’s no power. For example, if the outage is because of some normal calamity, you will need devices to keep you warm and communicate with others.
Your top priority here will be to have the inverter power your kitchen appliances, telecommunication devices, and heating and cooling systems. While lights are essential, you don’t have to depend on the inverter for illumination. You have other lighting options like battery-powered lamps, flashlights, or candlelights.
When you finally decide which the essential appliances you need to run are, you can add up the running and starting wattage requirements. It gives you your minimal watt requirements for your inverter, and if it can power your appliances.
Which appliances will 2000 watt inverters run?
Here’s a list of common appliances (based on starting and running wattage) devices your 2k watt power inverter can power. Of course, you will have to decide which devices you should use simultaneously and which should be switched off.
Kitchen appliances:
- Coffeemaker or microwave- 1000 watts each
- Toaster -1200 watts
- Refrigerator- 750 watts
- Freezer- 600 watts
Communication and entertainment devices
- Computer-150 watts
- Stereo- 300 watts
- Television -250watts
Heating and cooling devices
- Portable electric heaters-1200 watts
- Ceiling fan- 140 watts
A 2000 watt inverter can power the essential home appliances, which you will need during a power outage. As long as you make proper calculations, you will be able to keep comfortable, warm and when there’s no power.
And instead of doing all the calculations, you can always leave it to your Exeltech technicians. They will help ascertain the right pure sine wave inverters which will meet all your power needs.